In trying to gain control of your financial life, you must consider Wants which is an important piece in the three part formula. Remember you allot 30% of your disposable monthly income in order to satisfy this integral aspect of your financial plan. Besides the economic implications, satisfying Wants is fundamentally healthy and necessary to…

The third and last element in the debt relief formula is WANTS. So far we have taken your disposable monthly income (DMI), your gross income minus your taxes, and shown how 50% is for your Bare Necessities and 20% is for your Savings. That leaves a balance of 30% which is for your Wants. If…

“I’m living so far beyond my income that we may almost be said to be living apart.” ee cummings If you are living beyond your Bare Necessities (the 50% of your Disposable Monthly income) then you need to find ways to reduce what you are spending on all those things you actually need to live….

The basic balanced formula for successfully allocating your money is to take your disposable monthly income (DMI) which equals gross income minus taxes and use 50% for Bare Necessities, 30% for Wants and 20% for Savings. Today I’ll discuss Bare Necessities. These are the basics which you really can’t live without. After calculating the amount…

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.
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